Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Scope of Urdu Language in Pakistan

Urdu, the national language of Pakistan, was created around the 1600’s in Central Asia. The word ‘Urdu’ comes from the
Turkish word ‘ordu’ meaning ‘camp’ or ‘army’. It was used as a unifying communication tool between the Muslim
soldiers during their conquest of Ancient and Eastern Persia. These soldiers were of Persian, Arab, or Turkish
descent. The majority of the soldiers, however, were of Persian origin. This directly affected the language to be used
between them. Urdu vocabulary contains approximately 70% Farsi and the rest being a mix of Arabic and Turkish. The
grammar takes some elements from Farsi and Arabic but also has elements that are unique and different from all three of
its mother tongues. In current times, however, many Urdu speakers have adopted many English and Hindi terms following
the effects of globalization. Urdu differentiated itself from its predecessor with additional grammatical usages and a greater
influence of Arabic. The most renowned Urdu literature is written by Mirza Assadullah Ghalib and Allama Iqbal and their
works are read until today.
The land of the Muslims came to be known as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan translated as ‘the Land of the Pure’. There
were great visions for the people, the country, and the state Faith, Unity, and Discipline: based on three main principles. A
leadership by the will of the people that would institute the Shari’ a system (Islamic Law) while at the same time
promoting education and the progression of the nation. A dream of economic, technological, and scientific progression
abstaining from that which the Creator forbade and remaining steadfast on what He commanded. Urdu was at that time the
language of the government, educational system, and the people.
Then befell unto Pakistan tragedies that could be lamented until the Day of Resurrection. Corrupt men and women took
control of the country and used the power for personal gain; education and literacy fell greatly. The Urdu language was
directly affected by these events. Media and technology were on the rise and more and more people had access to motion
video pictures. Soon the common man was drawn to the glamour of English movies and the indecency of Indian films; the
study and usage of Urdu grew to minimal levels.
After a military coupe d’etat Pakistan fell into the hands of Musharraf and his officers. Musharraf has made English as the
compulsory language to be taught in Pakistan. Urdu literature has lost its popularity there and the number of students in
advanced Urdu studies is decreasing by the year. Now, the future of the Urdu language looks grim resting in the hands of
those ready to compromise themselves and their faith.
Uncertainty encompasses the future of the language and if events continue in the same path they are currently headed,
Urdu will soon be forgotten. The term, Urdu, may remain in use but to refer to a language almost completely different
from what it was before .
The future lies in the hands of the government and ministers in charge of education and law. Classical Urdu (advanced)
should be compulsory to all students along with some knowledge of Arabic (so to understand the Quraan). Only students
who chose fields in which English is necessary (to read textbooks and research) should be taught English at advanced
levels. For the long term, projects should be initiated to translate English books on sciences into the Urdu
language. Religious schools should be used as educational institutions through which Pakistan can raise their literacy
rates. Just by having the ability to read the script from the Qur’an, people will be literate to some extent to read Urdu as
well. Proper organization with a system of teaching in each Masaajid will enable the country to become civilized.
The need for a central organization for the preservation and education of the Urdu language remains. Perhaps one day
people shall realize the need and make the initiative. Until then it is up to individuals to educate about a language that may
be soon forgotten.

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